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Автопарк для таксі від Ninja Taxi
Автоматизована система для автопарку

Turn your fleet 180 degrees

Increase the profit of your taxi fleet with the automated system from NINJA TAXI, minimizing costs and risks

Оптимізація автопарку для таксі Ефективність автопарку для таксі Контроль витрат автопарку

Expand your taxi fleet and grow it with NINJA TAXI.

Інформаційна панель для автопарків

Information panel

The dashboard consolidates reporting from all aggregators in one place. The fleet owner will be able to track expenses for vehicles and drivers, net profit of the fleet, mileage, and average vehicle efficiency.

Driver profitability

Driver profitability allows you to view the total earnings of a driver for the day or any other period across all aggregators, and also displays separately, how much the driver earned in cash and on card.

Контроль готівкових витрат водіїв
Ефективність автомобіля в автопарку

Vehicle Efficiency

The efficiency of the car reflects the costs, the total net earnings of the car for a certain period, its payback and total cost.

Контроль готівки в автопарку

Cash control

The driver's cash control function in the fleet provides supervision of the driver's wallet and prevents the accumulation of debts in front of the fleet. The owner of the car fleet has the opportunity to independently set the percentagedisabling cash. So your profit is under control.

Бонуси та штрафи для водіїв

Bonuses / fines

Effective accounting of fines and bonuses for each driver separately will ensure greater transparency and control over these payments, which will improve fleet management and simplify payment processes salary.

Система обліку бонусів та штрафів
Ефективність водіїв в автопарку

Driver efficiency

In the driver efficiency dashboard, fleet owners and managers will have opportunity view the general activity in all aggregators, as well as separately in eachof them.

Automatic calculation of the driver

Managers and fleet owners will be able to save time because calculation driver wages are automated, and payments to drivers are fast and transparent.

Автоматичний розрахунок зарплати водіїв
Розклад водіїв в автопарку

Driver schedule

The schedule of drivers allows you to record all the working days of drivers and automatically repeat for each of them. This contributes to the correct calculation of wages and idle mileage of drivers.

Increase fleet profit

Contact us if you have any questions, or fill out the form and await contact from our manager.

Working hours

from 09:00 to 18:00




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